

创建时间:2020-08-28 12:38

美国纽顿高中 Newtown High School

美国纽顿高中 Newtown High School

纽顿高中有很多值得骄傲的地方,同时也是它各种优势的体现。 这其中包括,它位于美国最具多样性的城市,这就给学生们创造了很多机会去发现、了解并且团结那些有着不同文化背景的同伴。学校的高中课程设有:英语,数学,外语(包括中文,西班牙语,法语等),艺术,音乐,科学,社会科学,信息技术技能,健康和体育,商业教育等。学习之余,纽顿高中还有很多的运动队,运动项目包括:摔跤,足球,棒球,高尔夫,排球,篮球,网球,等等。学校的社团组织有:报社,私人俱乐部,学生会,语言俱乐部,诗社,辩论队,机器人俱乐部,摄影俱乐部,一些文化俱乐部。

Newtown High School has a lot to be proud of. It has the good fortune of being located in the most diverse city of the United States, which gives the students a chance to discover and unite with those coming from another cultural background. The school’s high school curriculum includes: English, mathematics, foreign languages (including Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.), art, music, science, social science, information technology skills, health and sports, business education, etc. Besides studying, Newtown High School has many sports teams, including wrestling, football, baseball, golf, volleyball, basketball, tennis, etc. The school’s community organizations are: newspaper, private club, student union, language club, poetry club, debate team, robot club, photography club, and some cultural clubs.